What type of Anxiety

Anxiety is often used as a generic, catch-all phrase, like Stress, that can mean a wealth of different things.


It is important to be able to distinguish what Anxiety you have as the therapy approach and treatment will differ.


At Solihull CBT the accredited CBT Therapist will ask you to describe your signs and symptoms; what triggers or precipitating factors you may be aware of; and give you a psychological measure for you to fill out either in session or at home (in Birmingham and Solihull, West Midlands).


CBT is a very collaborative approach. Solihull CBT will develop a formulation with you which is like a visual representation of what makes you tick. We will help you  develop your own individual CBT Tool Box which you can refer to during and after therapy. Research has shown that this working together in true partnership, which is at the heart of Solihull CBT, aids recovery and also significantly minimises relapse.